


      Time to DETOX your make-up bag

      Make-up should work with the skin and not against it and match the performance of the best skincare which is why many make the move to more natural make-up. 

      However for some, it's a leap into the unknown and they may be nervous about the performance and making the investment in choosing an alternative to their familiar brand.  The majority of us have invested heavily in our make-up bags and moving towards a natural alternative may involve risking their expectation of performance, colour and staying power. Reassuringly, natural and clean make-up has made enormous leaps in recent years and we believe it has overtaken the big named brands on the market in terms of performance and most certainly in terms of health and ethical standing.  We believe make-up should have great colour and skin matching capability, without the worry of toxicity or synthetics, as well as being cruelty free.  It should preserve and hydrate lashes and brows, nourish lips and not irritate eyes.  Make-up should work with the skin and not against it and match the performance of the best skincare.  So take the leap and DETOX your make-up bag. Your lashes will thank you!


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